Bob for Mayor
My beliefs and aims:
work together toward common goals
listen to all
plan for the future
work to get young people involved
study proposals to be sure they are sound and necessary
be willing to change
facilitate public debate on issues
represent all residents of the borough
meet with any resident(s) who wants to talk about an issue or idea
keep spending within means
support Assembly decisions with state and federal delegations
Duties of the Mayor
(Section 2.05 Petersburg Borough Charter)
The Mayor...
... shall preside at meetings of the assembly and have the authority to preserve order and enforce rules of the assembly.
... shall be recognized as head of the borough government for all ceremonial purposes.
... has no administrative duties
... with majority vote of the assembly shall appoint committee, board and commission members which are not elected.
.... shall be counted for quorum purposes and shall vote in the same manner with the same restrictions as an assembly member.
... shall not initiate a motion.
... has no veto power.